Tea: Meditation and Excursions
Tea is an ancient sacrament known for its delicious health benefits and its ability to relax and focus our Mind and Body. Come join us at Heart Fire Sanctuary to enjoy mindfulness and tea together, or on an excursion that blends this experience with Oregon’s wonders.
“Tea has always been a medicine for our Heart , Mind, and Body. Softening our ideas, it is also an elixir for peace between people” -Richard Brandt
Meditation and Tea
“While you are walking, smile and be in the here and now, and you will transform that place into paradise.”
-Thich Nhat Hanh
“Yesterday is already gone. Tomorrow is not yet here. Today is the only day available to us; it is the most important day of our lives.”
-Thich Nhat Hanh
All are welcome!
This is a Buddhist Sangha that is guided by the teachings and practices of Thich Nhat Hanh (Thay). “May All Being Be Happy, May All Beings Be Free”. Monthly meeting, check calendar, donation only, RSVP.
Tea: Steeping in Nature
Walks in nature with tea creates a synergistic reconnection with the network of life. Heating wild drawn water, poured over artisanal leaves, awakens us to the wonders of Nature.
“There is something in the nature of tea that leads us into a world of quiet contemplation of life.”